EU Countries: small cars (and I mean really small!) small houses, small stores, small food portions, everyone is bi-lingual if not multi-lingual, scarves are very “in”, meat and cheese and bread are staples, veggies are not, public restrooms are clean.
US: big cars, big houses, big stores, big food portions, some people are bi-lingual but not many are multi-lingual, scarves are not so big, veggies and fruit are much more of a staple in our diet,

Not to say one is better or worse, just some differences I have noted between the 2 places.
** Note, one thing that is very wrong about the EU, however, is their lack of ice in drinks. Today we went to get a drink at the first fountain drink stand we’ve come across and there was no ice for the Diet Coke - AGHH!!!
Love, Laura

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