Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Just Tell Them You Love Obama!"

So when anxieties hit you, its usually because of fear of the unknown. The best remedy is to talk to folks who've gone before you to Europe and pick their brains about what to expect.

So I was talking to my work friend Jason about Europe. He allayed many of my fears just by sharing his own experiences. Fears about getting mugged, or hustled, or feeling lost quickly fell away:

"Oh, there's plenty of other tourists around"

"They all pretty much speak English over there."

"We didn't have any problems."

And finally, the best advice I've gotten so far:

"Just tell them you love Obama!"

My friend made the point that, well, Europeans are very excited about Obama, and they love him. And by the same token, they could love you for loving him.

I guess that could really smooth things over. "Tell them you love Obama...."

Yeah, right.

Well, I guess if I get in a bind, I could fake it.



The Sylvester-Acosta Clan said...

So it is a good thing that you have a true Obama-lover in your midst! See how my man is bringing the world closer together?


Unknown said...

Gabe! Your family is hilarious. I'm laughing my butt off, and I haven't even gotten to the part where you guys are actually in Europe yet.


BTW... LOVE the "safety word" concept. I'm definitely filing that away in case I find myself crammed into an RV with my family. Oh wait... that might actually happen in a couple weeks. At Ft. Rob. Where Louis just was. (Suddenly, life feels very circular.)

ANYWAY... thanks for sharing your family with us. As you know, we can use all the laughs we can get around here!

Be safe!