So the topic of packing came up a few weeks back over a Europe planning trip. The topic turned to sharing items to conserve space for packing. One person would bring all said items for the group. Okay, that’s fine; I can share to a point. For example, let me know who has the drugs and I’m good. Thats useful sharing. But suddenly, the next thing I knew, Laura is talking about one person bringing the fingernail clippers, tweezers, and scissors so we all don’t have to bring our own.
The background here is that may facial hair grows like a jungle. This means, in addition to regular shaving, I have to use scissors to free ingrown hairs and tweezers to pluck them out. Not to mention my nose hairs. Sharing these grooming items simply crosses the line. I think I can best express myself Dr. Suess style:
Will you share
your tweezers man?
I do not think so,
I will not share
my tweezers man!
I will not share them
How can you?
When most nose stuff
sticks like glue!
I will not share them here or there
I will not share them anywhere!
I will not share them on the road
I will not share them if you goad
I will not share them with my wife
I will not share them my whole life
Scissors prick my pore
Just look
They’ll still be mine
in Innsbruck
I will not share them
in a hostel
I do not will not
share my nostril
I cannot
will not
care to share
that same tool
that pulls your hair
I fear this topic
will be debated
but sharing of this kind
is over-rated
Perhaps the finest adaptation of Dr. Seuss to date! Feel free to bring your own tweezers and pore tools!
Well said Gabe. Toothpaste yes, tweezers and clippers questionable hahahah
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